博客來外文書 Out of the Blue- New Short Fiction from Iceland


Out of the Blue- New Short Fiction from Iceland

Out of the Blue- New Short Fiction from Iceland 評價







Out of the Blue- New Short Fiction from Iceland






Out of the Blue- New Short Fiction from Iceland




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Out of the Blue- New Short Fiction from Iceland


The Literature of Pre-Islamic Iran- Companion to a History of Persian Literature

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This extraordinary collection, the first anthology of Icelandic short fiction published in English translation, features work by twenty of Iceland’s most popular and celebrated living authors—including Andri Sn?r Magnason, Jón Kalman Stefánsson, Kristín ómarsdóttir, and Aueur Jónsdóttir—granddaughter of Halldór Laxness, who won the 1955 Nobel Prize in Literature.?

Celebrated in Europe and Scandinavia but less known in the English-speaking world, these writers traverse realms of darkness and light that will be familiar to readers who have fallen under the spell of Scandinavian fiction. While uniquely Icelandic in topography and tenor, with a touch of the island’s supernatural charm, the stories traffic in the enduring and universal complexities of human nature. Here is a fictional universe where the ghosts of Vikings and spirits tread, volcanoes grumble underfoot, and writers trip the Northern Lights fantastic across the landscape of the Icelandic imagination.?

At long last, readers can enjoy award-winning stories now expertly rendered into English by the country’s most renowned translators. In “Killer Whale” a father contemplates euthanasia for a terminally ill child, in “Self Portrait” a vacationing family in Spain crosses paths with migrants, in “Escape for Men” a woman searches for an ex-lover in the South of France, and in “The Most Precious Secret” the nature of artists and the art world is mercilessly revealed. Both the Viking myths of Iceland’s forefathers and the cutting-edge modern world of the country today are brilliantly alive in these remarkable and original stories.

This collection is an excursion to an island where almost two million travelers descend yearly on a population of 345 thousand natives. Iceland is the place Bj?rk calls home, the location where Game of Thrones was filmed—a place with open lava fields, glaciers, and iceberg lagoons among other natural wonders that is becoming one of the “hottest” tourist destinations on earth.

Out of the Blue transports readers to Iceland’s timeless and magical island of Vikings and geographical wonders, and it promises to be a seminal collection that will define Icelandic literature in translation for decades to come.?

Contributors: Aueur Ava Olafsdóttir, Kristín Eiríksdóttir, Tórarinn Eldjárn, Gyreir Elíasson, Einar ?rn Gunnarsson, ólafur Gunnarsson, Einar Már Guemundsson, Aueur Jónsdóttir, Gereur Kristny, Andri Sn?r Magnason, óskar Magnússon, Bragi ólafsson, Kristín ómarsdóttir, óskar árni óskarsson, Magnús Siguresson, Jón Kalman Stefánsson, ágúst Borgtór Sverrisson, Guemundur Andri Thorsson, Tórunn Erlu-Valdimarsdóttir, Rúnar Helgi Vignisson.


  • 作者: Mitsios, Helen (EDT)/ Sjon (FRW)
  • 原文出版社:Univ of Minnesota Pr
  • 出版日期:2017/04/11
  • 語言:英文

Out of the Blue- New Short Fiction from Iceland


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